
The conference proceedings will be published online at the meeting. The contributed papers will be published as extended abstracts, max. 7 pages for papers and 4 pages for short contributions, 3 pages for short communications (including figures, tables and references). For more information see Call for Papers.

Proceedings of former conferences

In the following you find the proceedings from the 1989 to 2018 ecofruit conference as pdf-files.

If you are interested to get the printed version of the proceedings, please click here.

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Organizing commitee

Jutta Kienzle, Föko e.V., Weinsberg (D)
Dr. Sabine Zikeli, Universität Hohenheim (D)
Prof. Dr. Claus P.W. Zebitz, Universität Hohenheim (D)
Dr. Markus Kelderer, Laimburg Research Centre (I)
Christian König, LVWO Weinsberg (D)
Dr. Franz Ruess,  LVWO Weinsberg (D)
Sascha  Buchleither, KOB Bavendorf (D)
Dr. Ulrich Mayr, KOB Bavendorf (D)
Gerjan Brouwer, Delphy (NL)
Dr. Michael Friedli, FIBL (CH)
Francois Warlop, GRAB (F)
Hanne Lindhard, GartneriRådgivningen (DK)
Andreas Spornberger, BOKU Wien (AT)
Dr. Eligio Malusa, RIH Skierniewice (PL)